Quick Loans

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    There are any number of reasons why you might need to get cash in a hurry. You may be dealing with a personal or business emergency. Or perhaps the funding you thought you were going to get from your traditional financial establishment fell through, and now you are left scrambling to find the funds that you need.

    Whatever the reason, when you need a professional and reliable source to obtain your quick loan I can help.

    What is a quick loan?

    A quick loan is just that! It is a loan that is approved very quickly so that you can get the money that you need and be on your way. There are several types of quick loans available, but essentially they are unsecured loans that take very little processing time.
    Very often, quick loans are short-term loans.

    How “quick” is a quick loan?

    At Leverage Capital, I can get you approved for a quick loan in less than 48 hours.

    Who should apply for a quick loan?

    Quick loans are best for those who need to get approved for their loan fast. The are often ideal for:

    Can I get a quick loan if my credit is bad?

    YES! Although having a good credit score can help you to secure a better interest rate on a quick loan, having a bad credit score does not have to prevent you from getting a quick loan. At Leverage Capital, I work with a variety of institutional and private investors, some of whom specialize in helping borrowers who have poor credit.
    Furthermore, did you realize that borrowing can actually help you to improve your credit score over the long term? As long as you make your payments in full and on time, having a loan that you are paying off, gives you a good credit history. It shows that you are responsible enough to make your payments, and over time, you credit score will start to go up.

    Can I get a quick loan if I am self-employed?

    YES! Many people who are self-employed may make a good income but because they have so many tax deductions, their income can look very small on paper. This can put them in a similar predicament to those with poor credit when it comes to getting a loan.
    On paper – to traditional lenders – they look like a risky investment.
    But because, At Leverage Capital work with a wide variety of institutional and private lenders, I can help you find the lender that is right for you. Many lenders specialize in providing loans to the self-employed and entrepreneurs. These lenders know how to look at the bigger picture – and not just someone’s T4 income statement.

    Are there any drawbacks to getting a quick loan?

    As with any type of loan, the riskier it is for the investor, the higher the rate of interest you will generally have to pay. With a quick loan, there is necessarily less of a background check and the loan is unsecured. These two factors add to the investors’ risk, and therefore the interest rate on a quick loan will be higher than on that of a secured loan.
    This of course, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t get a quick loan – if you need the cash soon and have the ability to pay it off, a quick loan is an incredibly useful financial tool. It simply means that if you can afford to wait a little longer to receive your money, it might be worth your while to do so.

    How do I get a quick loan?

    Your first step should be to contact Leverage Capital. Our expert lending specialists will discuss your unique situation with you in order to develop a proposal that meets your specific needs. If I feel that another type of loan would be more beneficial for you, I will let you know.
    Once I have developed a lending plan for you, I will let you know the basic financial information that I will need from you to provide to the lender. Together we will fill out the application and submit it to the lender that is best for you and your situation.
    In most cases, I can get you approved for a quick loan in 48 hours or less.

    Contact Leverage Capital today!

    Do you think that a quick loan may be the right solution for you, or would you like to learn more? If so, contact Leverage Capital today to arrange for a consultation.